Hei Helge
(Jeg pr�ver p� engelsk, hvis din kusine kigger med)
Using Google I found http://familytrees.genopro.com/panther/Gustafson-Jessen/Hansen-Ankersen-Christian-ind00216.htm - Christian Hansen-Ankersen (b. 1865) and GUSTAFSON & JESSEN FAMILY TREES ( http://familytrees.genopro.com/panther/Gustafson-Jessen/default.htm?page=Hansen-Ankersen-Christian-ind00216.htm - http://familytrees.genopro.com/panther/Gustafson-Jessen/default.htm?page=Hansen-Ankersen-Christian-ind00216.htm ). Perhaps you allready know this site?
On FamilySearch ( http://www.familysearch.org/eng/search/PRF/individual_record.asp?recid=980511137 - http://www.familysearch.org/eng/search/PRF/individual_record.asp?recid=980511137 ) that he was married 1886 i Troy, Renns, NY with Caroline Jessen, whose background I gave a closer look.
The results i temporaraly on http://find-relation.net - http://find-relation.net - http://find-relation.net/SearchMenuNew.asp?b1=menu&familyId=55 - Diverse sl�gter under udforskning . Try search on Firstname: Caroline Lastname: Jessen and show "Family Tree" and you can see what I've found until now, and from which source - mostly http://www.arkivalieronline.dk/ - http://www.arkivalieronline.dk/ .
http://find-relation.net/showPersonNew.asp?personId=55|14343&b1=&familyTree=on&addrInfo=on&relatedInfo=on&MARR=on&COML=on&PHOT=on&SOUR=on&MISC=on&chrInfo=on&showBefore=4&showAfter=3&bothParents=on - Caroline Jessen (1867 Nov 22 -> 1946 Mar 19 ) and her siblings are all born in Heisager, Halk sogn, Haderslev Amt during the period 1856 - 1875. The parents are http://find-relation.net/showPersonNew.asp?personId=55|14331&b1=&familyTree=on&addrInfo=on&relatedInfo=on&MARR=on&COML=on&PHOT=on&SOUR=on&MISC=on&chrInfo=on&showBefore=4&showAfter=3&bothParents=on - Johannes Jessen (1830 Aug 18 -> 1922 Nov 18 ) , born Heisager, Halk sogn, Haderslev Amt and http://find-relation.net/showPersonNew.asp?personId=55|14335&b1=&familyTree=on&addrInfo=on&relatedInfo=on&MARR=on&COML=on&PHOT=on&SOUR=on&MISC=on&chrInfo=on&showBefore=4&showAfter=3&bothParents=on - Cathrina Christine Jeppesdatter Kronborg (1829 May 20 -> 1908 Oct 08 ) , born N�rrebye, Vilstrup sogn, Haderslev Amt
A few of the children are Christened in Grarup sogn - just north of Halk. The original source from http://www.arkivalieronline.dk/ - http://www.arkivalieronline.dk/ shows the exact birthnames. Probably have some of them changed their names a little according to GUSTAFSON & JESSEN FAMILY TREES.
http://find-relation.net/showPersonNew.asp?personId=55|14344&b1=&familyTree=on&addrInfo=on&relatedInfo=on&MARR=on&COML=on&PHOT=on&SOUR=on&MISC=on&chrInfo=on&showBefore=4&showAfter=3&bothParents=on - Jes Peter Jessen (1879 Sep 18 -> 1905 May 05 ) , also born in Heisager, was not Carolines biological brother, but a son of her sister http://find-relation.net/showPersonNew.asp?personId=55|14338&b1=&familyTree=on&addrInfo=on&relatedInfo=on&MARR=on&COML=on&PHOT=on&SOUR=on&MISC=on&chrInfo=on&showBefore=4&showAfter=3&bothParents=on - Johanne Cathrine Jessen (1862 Apr 19 -> 1947 ) with unknown father.
Carolines Confirmation took place in Halk sogn 1882 Mar 26, so the family must have left Denmark (actually Germany at that period) between 1882 and 1886 before her marriage i Newyork.
Unfortunately I don't now (yet) where to find Christian Hansens birth, so right now I can't give you anything about his backgruound.
Kind Regards
Ole Dalsgaard Jensen